lunes, 3 de abril de 2017

The Time Games & Activities

Here you have some games and acitvities to practise the time:


And a lot more games to practise time:

What time is it?

Time is the ongoing sequence of events taking place: the past, present and future.

We measure time using seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years.

Clocks measure time.

Let's start with a song to warm up:

Now you can watch this video explanation:

But, there are other ways of telling the time. Watch this video and you will learn some of them:

miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2017

Past Simple Tense Activities & Games

Past Simple Tense with Regular verbs:

Past Simple Tense with Irregular verbs:

Past Simple Tense with Regular & Irregular verbs:

Present versus Past Tenses:

Past Simple Tense

We use Past Simple Tense to talk about things that happened in the past. 

You can start by watching this video:

Then, if you want to learn more about how do we use and form the Past Simple Tense you must watch these Flipped videos:

Then, you can practise Past Simple Tense listening to this easy dialogue and acting it out later:

Finally, here you have a story you can listen to and read at the same time:

People and Professions

Here you have some games to practise jobs and professions vocabulary.

martes, 21 de marzo de 2017

In space

Here you have some games to practise Space vocabulary.

And you can check more information on NASA website:

Prepositions of Movement

Here you have some activities to practise prepositions of movement.

First, watch this video:

Finally, practise with some activities: